GopherBoy Farms Original Coop (addition 1/19/2009)

I just noticed you are in Vancouver, WA. My Dad lived there for a couple of years. Very nice place, I always liked it there. I was stationed in So Cal at the time, and I always looked forward to going up and visiting.

Glad he is feeling better, it's no fun having back pain.
help goherboy,

help! i have a roofing question: did you say somewhere not to cut asphalt roof tiles in the coop run area? cause i did. i read through lots of your threads to try to find this subject. should i scrape a layer of dirt off the top now or did i just dream this?
We took some time away from the new coop and made an addition to the original I figured thats where I should post the pics....
Some of the chicks we hatched in early Oct 2008 are to big for the brooder (plus there are others in the brooder now) and these Oct chicks need to get to know the original flock. So to make the transition easier we have a seperate area inside the original coop. Bigger then the brooder with chicken wire so the teen chicks and the original flock can see eachother but cant get to one another. They have only been out in the coop for a few days and so far so good.


i was doing the BYC trivia and this thread was one of hte answers, and well i wasnt paying attention and posted the answers here oops, no wonder i wasnt winning!

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