GopherBoy Farms Original Coop (addition 1/19/2009)

that means that we had to many pics on photo bucket, but we fixed that and from now on will be uploading our chicken and coop pics here on BYC so we dont have these issues again.
WOW!!! I was looking through the coops page and saw your coop well I just HAD to look and I am now utterly CAPTIVATED
by your humor, coop, and great personality!!!
Your coop is absolutely AMAZING!! My mom told me to read your thread because I would most definetly LMAO and for sure I did!! Thanks for the great humor! Our coop is ok but not nearly as PRETTY!! We have a main hen house, a roosters coop, a single rooster coop, and a tractor but all not nearly as grand as your one coop!!! You have to keep posting! I DEMAND IT!! LOL
If you could come over here to TN and build us one I would totally Worshipp you!! lol
You guys went all out and did a great job on everything! I think even the Queen of England would be fine with living in that!! I know i'm a little late in the Congrats couse your already done but I had to let ya know!!!
good idea........

ok, anyone willing to pay $10,000 for a coop like ours, plus per diem while it's being built...think we might do it............

(really hoping someone takes us up on this since I am a stay home mom, and Gopherboy is a union carpenter that is laid off)

heck, we can negotiate


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