GopherBoy Farms Original Coop (addition 1/19/2009)

nice looking coop. I think I could live in it. If you are ever in ny look me up so u can build a coop for me.
Keep up the good work
Thank you for the nice things you said about the coop. If I get into some kind of troubles with the beaver girl...its been desided thats where I will be sleeping...I have got to remember to take off my shoes before coming in and picking up my XXX jugs.
I would love to come to NY. the most awsum city in the world and if I do ...I ll be fixin on building you a coop.
Very Nice! I think the most impressive thing is that you guys haven't spent much money on that! It looks like it should cost a small fortune. Your skills go beyond carpentry there folks! Be sure you enter the coop contest.

So Gopherboy, since you think you will be finding yourself in the henhouse at some point, you could make a loft or a "people roost" inside that amazing roof. When you are in good graces you could always store supplies like feed and bedding uo there.

I bet the kids would think it was fun to have a sleep over at the chickens place too.
WOW! you even made your own windows! I never thought of that! What a GREAT Idea! Where did you get the glass from? Is it terribly expensive? It just seems like it would be so much cheaper to build the coop ourselvs that I would much rather do that but I am not really sure how to go about it. My dad and brother have offered to help though so thats cool...only if they dont get to drunk to build straight while they work! LOL Thats the problem with those 2 and they also like to fight and bicker about who's is the right way to do things.... so this could get interresting! LOL YOur coop looks Great and I cant wait to see it when its all done! JEN
I got the class shelving out of the trash at a job site. We also just keep checking for free stuff on craigs list and try to be the first caller to get it if it isnt to far away.
So what you end up with is alot of stuff piled up but its worth it.
Tearing down a garage after work in the rain until dark was hard, then haveing to de-nail the boards, load and unload, I often wondered what I was getting myself into...but because we took on this responcibility of raising living creatures I have to do my best to host thier envierment.
I would sugest drawing it out on paper first.
I didnt....Just used my imagination and ended up building a barn or guest house...oh well...I keep reading all the comments nice people have wrote and it makes me work that much harder. Thank you.
When gopher boy goes and gets looped up on the XXX...there is nothing but chaous...[KAY -OS) get them fellas some O'doul's fake beer.
Gopher boy



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GopherBoy you guys look like you're having a blast! I love it - seeing families enjoy their time together can be a rare thing!

Great job on the guest house - err chicken coop!

That is so cool!! please keep the progress posted! I love looking at people coop!
very motivated husband there- I think it is only fair you lend him out to us to work on our coops...........
YOU ARE WAY TO FUNNY!!!!!! I just love your pics and I am laughing my butt off right now! I just scored all kinds of FREE wood!!!!! I had totally forgotten that my brother works at a pallet makeing plant untill he came over and told me he has enough wood gathered up for me to build a nice coop. Hubby and I are going over to load it up today!!! I hope to begin work this week. I just hope we can make this work and it turns out nice! I will try to post pics as we go allong. Thanks for the inspiration and the laughs! JEN

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