GopherBoy Farms Original Coop (addition 1/19/2009)

thank you

it's nice to know others are getting enjoyment from the things we enjoy doing so much!!
i am having a hard time just finishing my coop..
i started taking a few pics ....
but opps lost like 1/4 pics of the build so big gap...
but i am still giving it a try.

for you set the bar high
and i mean way HIGH
i take my hat off to you
not just did you build one heck of a coop
but you also
wrote 1 heck of a story...
took same great pictures
have videos posted on the net on top of it..

job well....job well..
take a bow

now as the BYC world awaits your next project....

ps i think you get the first ever BYC "Golden Yolk Award"
its like the BYC verison of a emmy

lol thanks. GopherBoy loves taking people along on his antics. And we are planning another chicken project soon...but that will be a whole new thread...whole new story, and sure new laughs and accidents (wait, thats the same thing)

Love the sign! You are a very lucky lady to have such a witty goofball of a husband Tiff. And Lance, you are a lucky guy to have such a loving and fun wife and kids!

Your coop and chicks look awesome guys!

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