GopherBoy Farms Original Coop (addition 1/19/2009)

All I can so is WOW! You guys kept me laughing the whole time. And you better be ready if I ever win the Lotto (LOL), because I know who I am going to hire to build my coops for me. But honestly that is the greatest thing I have read and I am going to start looking for stuff that I can get to recycle and use on our coop. Great job !!!!!!!
More update....
well, the chickens ate up all the grass and everything else in the area we gave them around the coop...and we are walking around in mud we thought it a good idea to make a path to the here it is .........(and keeping with the free or recycled idea we needed new tires for the truck when we had to take the studded tires off, so on craigslist we found someone that had almost new tires and rims that would fit the truck..but to get the tires and rims free we had to take the pile of bricks on top of that is where the brick pathway came from)

dig out area for bricks

lay bricks


lay bricks and fill holes with gravel





we had a huge barrel of white gravel that after rising the bricks a few time we filled in the top with

all the dirt was moved out of the coop yard and over to our his and hers garden areas.
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