GopherBoy Farms Original Coop (addition 1/19/2009)

I love this forum....I was laughing so hard at Lance's sense of humor and his wonderful family joining in building the coop!

The GopherBoy saga continues..........................
That is just an awesome henhouse. However, I'm still waiting for the satellite color TV with remote. You know, they need something to entertain them while they sit in those nifty nests laying eggs. Also, methinks you don't have enough chickens to fill that HUGE henhouse either. You know the saying..."build it, they will come" applies to chicken houses as well as ballfields in the cornpatch.
Got any other breeds you've been wanting to get?
It's definitely awesome, our coop is attached to our big bank barn , and we're planning on matching the roofs, since the roof on the coop is just a plain pitched roof, we wanted to do the cute little red barn kind of roof
Fabulous job, you two!

I almost wrote to suggest planting time and other herbs to fill in the holes in the bricks!
never mind!

And by the way... I was just wondering if Lance ever leaves the house to go to work, or if he ever sleeps?

Thanks for all the photos. I'm really enjoying seeing the fruits of all your hard work.

lol yes he does leave the house.....mainly to go to work, and thats about it. (got lucky he's a union carpenter and one job finished so we built the coop before the next one started).


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