GopherBoy Farms Original Coop (addition 1/19/2009)

thank you..and yes, some what better.....still wearing a back brace at work, (I think he should always wear one at work) and he water skiied this past weekend, so he's healing fast.

i know its late in the game but i thought i would say how cute your coop is
i want room to have a nice size coop and run for my girls but i need property first haha
thanks for the nice comment

keep in mind that we dont really have any "property" yet. We rent, just got lucky to be able to find a rental in Vancouver, but outside city boarder and with a HUGE yard. We also hope to someday have our OWN property.
thanks for the nice comment

keep in mind that we dont really have any "property" yet. We rent, just got lucky to be able to find a rental in Vancouver, but outside city boarder and with a HUGE yard. We also hope to someday have our OWN property.

I live on a little 3,00 sqft lot in Vancouver with three humans three chickens and a cat haha
Just saw the new landscape job at Gopherboy Farms. Amazing! I hope those hens appreciate all the hard work you have done and help keep their coop clean! My kids want to live there!
Thanks, the chickens do love it but cant seem to get the "lay an egg in the nest box" correct!! a few do it, and the others have taken to laying in the garage in a large garbage sack of staw!!!! Silly chickens.

They love the pathway, its funny to watch them all walk in a line down the curving pathway....and hopefully the pond and fountain will be finished soon, if DH and DS dnt get going on it soon then I might just go finish it

And hopefully we will be adding an addition to the big coop soon for some additions I hope to hatch soon.

Thanks, the chickens do love it but cant seem to get the "lay an egg in the nest box" correct!! a few do it, and the others have taken to laying in the garage in a large garbage sack of staw!!!! Silly chickens.

They love the pathway, its funny to watch them all walk in a line down the curving pathway....and hopefully the pond and fountain will be finished soon, if DH and DS dnt get going on it soon then I might just go finish it

And hopefully we will be adding an addition to the big coop soon for some additions I hope to hatch soon.


What is with chickens who don't use the nests? Everymorning is an easter egg hunt and I'm tired of it. I think the crows are finding them before me. I find eggs on the lawn chairs, under the bush, in the horse feeders....
Thought I should pay your coop thread a visit since you were so nice looking mine over. That thing is impressive, makes ours look teeny. The fountain is really cool. I hope he gets well soon. I had back surgery in April for a car accident. I know how back pain is. Luckily after the surgery my wonderful wife would not let me do anything for 3 months. I was not allowed to do anything around the house, she hired a lawn service and everything. She is great. I would not be as well as I am today if not for her insistence on my not doing physical things. As soon as I was better, I started our coop. Just keep him down for a while and things usually get better, but if his pain lasts too long, get him to a back Dr. If I had gone sooner I would not have ended up needing surgery. Anyway your coop is awesome, and I love the additions you are doing.
And he is feeling better

we have been having some really great weather here so we are trying to get every little bit of summer out of it on the river ...but hopefully the fontain will be all finished this next weekend!
Now I am out in the yard planning on where to put 2 more coops, maybe 3 since the landlord wants to give us peacocks.

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