Gordie's Chicken List Black and Blue Orps UPDATES!

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My eggs are on the way!!
I got a reply last week and he said it would probably be mid march before i got my order, so the wait doesn't seem to be long at all as he had just set the eggs i wanted that same day.
thanks ewe for posting this contact!
Hey all! I finally heard from poor Gordie! The good thing is that he is busy (?), the bad thing is his Orloff roo went sick.
I emailed him back & told him no hurry--I can wait. So we will see.

If I can get eggs from him, I'll be very happy!
Got the recent email from him tonight....chicks are arriving here tomorrow! Wooooo hoooooo!

Hope the weather isnt too bad for them.....we had a blizzard going on and hope it doe snot stop the PO from delivering!

Glad everyone else is happy and getting some responses going on. He is sure busy tho!
Well, he contacted me already but not with good news. He does not have many bantam faverolles. So I will have to wait i guess. I asked him to contact me later on if he gets some chicks. So maybe? Keep your fingers crossed.

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