what is the genetics of this lacing- silver white border line around a black feather, opposite/reverse of those in the Silver Sebright and

Pinoy Angelfish

11 Years
Jul 17, 2012
color pattern reverse to silver sebright .jpg

These two photos are from Pinterest, https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/764204630536098921/ and https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/15129348733581672/

What is the genetics of this lacing- silver white border line around a black feather, opposite/reverse of those in the Silver Sebright and Silver Laced Wyandotte?

black feather silver white edge lining lace.jpg

The two roosters pictured above are both silver and the feather border line lacing is also silver. What if the chicken is gold, would the border line lacing also be gold?

metallic green binabae IMG20240522162841.jpg

This above is my hennie roo, some feathers on the back have yellow gold border line lacing but none in the breast feathers. Color of this roo not photo shopped, but the oppo celfone camera did enhance the blue green iridescence.
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These birds are birchen based. Birchen allows for lacing around the edge of the feather like birchen and brown red modern game. To increase this coloration there may be some gold enhancement genes or the bird may be heterozygous for a different e base.
Maybe your henny male is expressing gold in areas that normally would have been gold striped shoulders and saddles on typical male feathering but since he is a henny he just has some lacing instead.
Hi Amer, thanks, I also assume the two roos are birchen, but in Wyandottes the e locus allele is partridge.

Based on the chicken calculator https://kippenjungle.nl/chickencalculator.html what gene/s would be involved for the expression of black breast feathers with silver white border line lace?

Since the breast feathers are black this eliminates Co and Db; the hackle feathers are not black, I assume Ml is not involved as well. Is Pg at work here or something else which has not been identified yet?

silver laced chicken calculator .jpg
Hi Amer, thanks, I also assume the two roos are birchen, but in Wyandottes the e locus allele is partridge.

Based on the chicken calculator https://kippenjungle.nl/chickencalculator.html what gene/s would be involved for the expression of black breast feathers with silver white border line lace?

Since the breast feathers are black this eliminates Co and Db; the hackle feathers are not black, I assume Ml is not involved as well. Is Pg at work here or something else which has not been identified yet?

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Lacing in sebrights is Birchen based. That is why they have patterned tails unlike the black tails of Wyandottes.
Birchen based chickens naturally have laced breast feathers

Selection for more might be all it takes.
The second cock that you showed isn’t pure for birchen though, now that I see his wing bay.
I bet he is heterozygous for one of the other e bases which is giving him so much color.
I once had a hen that was half wheaten Ameraucana, half Dominique.

She was laced as can be
I assume Dominiques are E based rather than ER based so that would make her
No gold extension except for good old wheaten, and I presume she had Ml because that is the most common melanizer to create a pure black but it could be something else.
Hi Amer, Thanks for the photos although side views, both showed the pattern and the "gold" color of the borderline.

From Pinterest, front view showing the color and pattern https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/566679565583342653/

gold borderline lacing on black feathers.jpg

Looking at more pics in the net, there is a lot of variation in the expression of the borderline lacing, some Birchens have none, some have a little, and very few have full coverage on the breast. As you said selection is required but one must have some breeding stocks carrying the pattern to begin with.

iridescent green black Hennie 46149.jpg

I hope that some of the offspring of this Hennie will have more gold line lacing not just on the back but also on the breast. The color combination of iridescent blue green and the gold ... Thank You Father God Lord Jesus!
wing shoulder IMG20240522163801 .jpg

angle with no iridescence IMG_20240526_074050.jpg

This photo above taken at an angle not showing iridescence, the back feather color combination is black with gold line lacing.
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