gosling bill snapping


5 Years
Apr 14, 2014
I have 2 African goslings about 3 weeks old. They seem very healthy but one of them continually stretches its neck and snaps its bill while moving its head around. It looks like its trying to catch bugs, or talk... it looks like a nervous tic. What do you think is going on? It is growing slightly slower than the other and I wonder if it is because of this expenditure of energy. It seems to eat and drink without any problem.
I have 2 African goslings about 3 weeks old. They seem very healthy but one of them continually stretches its neck and snaps its bill while moving its head around. It looks like its trying to catch bugs, or talk... it looks like a nervous tic. What do you think is going on? It is growing slightly slower than the other and I wonder if it is because of this expenditure of energy. It seems to eat and drink without any problem.
I'd start the goslings on some Niacin, lack of niacin can cause lameness and neurological issues. at 3 weeks I'd start with 200 megs of niacin to 1 gallon of water or Brewers yeast sprinkled on top of feed it's getting hard to find plain niacin and that's what you'll need if you go with niacin. Brewers yeast you can use 1 tab to 1 cup of feed. some even sprinkle it on top of the water. I mix it into their feed.

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