Gosling dehydrated?


May 22, 2020
My 2-week-old gosling drinks constantly. He drains the bowl in his crate and spends his outside time drinking out of puddles. I just want to make certain he's not dehydrated. Is there a way to check? He's not too hot, he stays in the house at room temperature and I only turn his heater on if it drops below 60 or after he swims. Thank you.
Is he acting off? Lethargic, limping, not eating much? What do his droppings look like?
No, he acts fantastic. Very energetic, good appetite, playful. Nothing about him raises any other concerns, and maybe he just loves water. I just want to make sure I'm not missing something. I know his crumble is dry, he washes down every bite with a drink. He's on starter crumble now and I'm about to start mixing Gro-Rite with it. He nibbles at grass outside but doesn't eat much of it.

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