Gosling Drooling? HELP! First geese


I Am THE Crazy Duck Lady
11 Years
Jul 9, 2008
Ok - SO I bought three odd goslings today. Not sure on breed or age or even sex. But I do know one thing - They are drooling ALOT! Now, I dont think this is normal so im asking for some help!

The legs and beaks are pale, when i first got them they staggered alittle - obviously not in the best of health - so im wondering what is causing the drooling? I have them in a pen with feed and a water tub for them to drink / get into.

They fling drool on me - all three - and some times it bubbles on the corner of there mouths. So wat is going on? What can i do besides alot of TLC? These guys look maybe two - three weeks old, still completely fuzzy but i dont know much about geese - im a crazy duck lady. I will TRY to get pictures but the computer isnt wanting to accept them so until i can go out and get a neew jump drive i wont have any pictures up
I think that I have a gander and a female Edbem,... or how ever you spell it! The big white geese. And the other is .. well.. what are the ones with the knot on the top of their beaks? im guessing either that or african. Ill update as soon as i can!
One thing could be if they are too hot. When they are hot they drool and pant. Do they have access to shade in their pen? Geese aren't really tolerant of heat unless they have shade and plenty of fresh water. Are the tubs low enough to the ground that they can drink adequately if they are not in them. Have you seen them taking drinks? What type of feed are you giving them?
Im not sure if it is the heat - When I got them i had them in front of a fan, then they were in an air conditioned truck, and now the pen they are in is completely shaded by thick trees. The tub is actually the bottom of a rabbit cage and is only about 4 - 5 inches high. the smallest gosling i have is about the size of a three week old duckling, and the other two are about a foot tall and almost as big as my adult ducks. But they are all fluffy! Only one has any feathers comming in.
Ive seen them hop in and out of the tub - which has nice cool water in it ( i refill the tubs everyday ) . They are eating grass, bugs, and the only thing i have right now is grower - 20% . It says it is good for chicks, geese and ducks - is it right or do i need something else? They wont eat the corn. I havent seen any panting at al from two of the goslings - one did start to breath a little heavily but soon had it under control.
I live on the west side of Bham. I don't have a lot of experience but I have a couple of books and we could put our heads together and come up with something. Call me 2059155797
I have seen mine drool too. Mine are healthy and happy. I think it is after they eat a big meal. Mine are three weeks old on Monday. I thought it was odd when I first seen it.
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In my experience, when their crop gets too full after meals and they try to drink afterwards, they drool and spit it back up. Do they have free access to food all the time? If they don't, I would guess they're gorging and doing what I described. Or they could just be gorging anyways, because goslings are pigs.

I don't know how big a three week old duck is, as my ducks are only two weeks old. Once we see pics, we can approximate ages, but I'd say once their blood feathers start coming in, bump them down to 16% protein.

Good luck with your goslings! Hopefully you'll be able to post pictures and we can help you out with ages.
Sillysister - If we cant figure it out today Ill definantly give you a call! love talking to fellow alabamians lol

I mean it just kind of drips out of their mouths and its kinda gross when they shake their heads and splatter it all over me lol
Feathers start coming in somewhere around 3wks old in geese, mine were showing just little bumps of the pins. At 5 wks they have a full stomach of feathers and are getting shoulder and tail feathers.
Good luck with your new geese.
Thanks you guys! And i think that they might be over eating then - they went from somone, to an auction, to a new buyer to the flea market and into my hands from what i know. They had water yesterday but only in a chick waterer so i dont think they could even dunk their heads! But ive given them access to food and the proper water since i got home yesterday at around 3.

ill keep you guys posted and take some pictures when i get home after church. no promises that ill be able to get them up though
Im trying though!!

My two solid yellow guys have dark blue eyes and their beaks and feet are a pale pink color.they are just starting to get those scraggly looking tail feather tips - still all fluffy but a few harder featehrs in. no true feathers though.

the other guy actually has some tail feathers in as well as some wing feathers. He is a dark grey/ light brown color, his feet have broken markings on them.

Not sure if those descriptions help but i hope they do!

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