Gosling not growing like siblings


7 Years
Aug 7, 2012
Eastern Washington State

This little one hatched a little over a month ago the same time as the two larger gosling to her left in the picture. She/he seems to eat well, is very active, but is obviously not growing like the others. Any ideas?
You might want to put that baby on vitamins to give a kick start in the growing department. Might also think about maybe worming or taking a stool sample in to the vet. That baby is much smaller then the rest.
I'm having a similar problem with my 5 week old buffs (picture below)! What sort of vitamins?


You might want to put that baby on vitamins to give a kick start in the growing department. Might also think about maybe worming or taking a stool sample in to the vet. That baby is much smaller then the rest.
Thanks RURU - what type of vitamins? I currently add brewers yeast to their food - I use flock raiser and game bird started combined. She/he was noticeably smaller when they hatched.
Just buy polyvoysol sp? with NO Iron for children... Works great for goslings too. Plus there I know there are vitamins out their for waterfowl. I have never had to use them..
But have heard they work great to kick start runts is what I call them.

These also may be females because females are smaller than ganders. But my gosh what a difference in sizes in those goslings. I would say the two are ganders and the little one female..

You could spoil them even more by feeding them some romaine lettuce by their self so they get the extra greens to help them as well. Some babies are runts and just need extra care and food to help them develop better.

You are feeding a good diet to them it is just the little runt needs some special attention.

Offer some cut up green or red grapes, watermelon, cut up apples, cut tomatoes, peas, some corn not a lot, as I said romaine lettuce, kale, broccoli, anything you can think of give it a try and see if they like it. All you can do is offer it if they like it they will eat it. Cucumbers, zucchini, yellow squash. Now they are getting older try some oats. There are many different things that geese will eat. Pumpkin while young or they will not try it as an adult.
Thanks RURU - I will give the vitamins a try. I currently do feed them lots of greens - like romaine and kale etc. I have noticed that her parents are pretty careful to make sure she gets some first before they let the others eat. I really appreciate your suggestions.

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