Gosling with Leg Issues


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 25, 2014
Hi. I am new to BYC. I have read other threads about duck and goose leg problems but I still have a question. You know, it is not easy when our little feathered fellows are at steak!

I have 3 chinese goslings which I got 2 weeks ago when they were 1 day old. Last saturday the white one got her legs injured, I think she got scared of someone walking around and run. As soon as I noticed she couldnt stand on her feet I separated her and started water therapy as I read in other threads. She eats and drinks well. She swims perfectly. Paddles both feet and even dives in. But When I take her out she just wont stand on her feet. Actually she was trying but after she swam with her siblings yesterday she started to refuse standing again. And the real problem is I think her legs are spreading further each day as you see in the photo below. Any advices? Is my girl going to be alright? Am I in the right path?

About the feed: I give them a mix of grains and soy bean meal, %20 protein and %5 brewer's yeast. So I think niacin is not the problem.
Could it possibly be spraddle leg. I have used bandaids and yarn to tie a ducks legs together and also vet wrap works pretty good and doesn't stick to the leg. Look at this site for some ideas. I don't know whether it is that or not, but if the legs are going out to the side it could be. Did you try giving the gosling electrolytes or vitamins?


Maybe someone with more knowledge will answer. Good luck.
Thank you for your reply. But I dont think it's spraddle leg, her legs are located on the correct position. It's just she cant pull them underneath competely.
Thank you for your reply. But I dont think it's spraddle leg, her legs are located on the correct position. It's just she cant pull them underneath competely.
I still think it could be a niacin problem, as from your post it seems she doesn´t get greens? Just give her Romaine lettuce to push the niacin levels up. And Brewers´Yeast contains niacin, of course, but when compared to a straight niacin supplement, it has much less. Make sense? Romaine lettuce, plenty of it. See if that helps. I don´t think it´s splay/spraddle leg either, as it seems she was fine at first. 2 weeks of age is about the time that niacin deficiency can start to show.
I still think it could be a niacin problem, as from your post it seems she doesn´t get greens?  Just give her Romaine lettuce to push the niacin levels up.  And Brewers´Yeast contains niacin, of course, but when compared to a straight niacin supplement, it has much less.  Make sense?  Romaine lettuce, plenty of it.  See if that helps.  I don´t think it´s splay/spraddle leg either, as it seems she was fine at first.  2 weeks of age is about the time that niacin deficiency can start to show.

I give them fresh clover from the garden. But i will increase the amount and add lettuce as well. Thank you for your advice.
OK, you´re welcome...but feed Romaine lettuce, it is better than normal lettuce.  I hope it helps.

I really hope it works. She is so precious. I drove 4 hours to get them. I am trying my best. Romain lettuce it is. Hmm swiss chard is available too.
I really hope it works. She is so precious. I drove 4 hours to get them. I am trying my best. Romain lettuce it is. Hmm swiss chard is available too.
Well, google it....look up different greens to see what has good levels of niacin, etc...you´ll also find peas are fairly high in n niacin. Don´t feed spinach, though, as there´s always advice on here to avoid it. Can´t remember quite what it is that´s bad...I think there´s something in it that can counteract the useful nutrients.....
Well, google it....look up different greens to see what has good levels of niacin, etc...you´ll also find peas are fairly high in n niacin.  Don´t feed spinach, though, as there´s always advice on here to avoid it.  Can´t remember quite what it is that´s bad...I think there´s something in it that can counteract the useful nutrients.....  

Alright! Spinach might be bad because of high oxalic acid content which may cause baldder or kidney stones.

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