Goslings and Catalpa Worms


Sep 29, 2023
Hey Y'all!

So.......as many of you may know (well, all my fellow Georgias LOL), down here in south georgia, soon the catalpa worms will be coming out and I was hoping to be able to give my gosling some. I am aware that some things that are safe for chickens to eat, might not be the same case for geese/goslings, as different species/breeds require different nutrients, etc.
Well, I have a catalpa tree down from my house (that is actually my neighbor's tree, but she is fine with me getting the worms because she doesn't do anything with them), like....hello! feed them to your chickens, or use them as bait! AWESOME FISH BAIT! So I've been keeping a close eye on those leaves, and so far don't see any evidence of the catalpas out...yet haha. So, I got curious and researched it online as to when they normally come out because I didn't know, and found out they normally start emerging around mid-June to around July 4th. I also researched whether or not it would be okay to feed them to my chickens once they come out - and it is okay to feed to chickens, but....I was primarily wanting to find out if they were safe to feed to my gosling (He will be 6 weeks old tomorrow). I know the primary natural diet of geese/goslings consists mostly of various grasses among a few other things like small fish and amphibians, and at the same time, I know they don't really prefer many bugs/worms, but I'm wanting to find out if they can be given Catalpa worms to eat, or if the Catalpa worms may be poisonous for some strange reason to geese/goslings? Any help would be appreciated! Even if it does turn out that it's not safe for my gosling to eat, I'm still happy that I will still be able to give them to my chickens, just wanted to give "Clipsie" a treat every now and then. I got the egg on the day of the last eclipse, so my nephew said you oughta name it "Eclipse", so I thought about it, and that didn't really "fit" my baby, so I thought of "Clipsie" and it stuck. LOL He is the SWEETEST baby, and must i mention...is it crazy how much I LOVE that little baby! I always enjoy spending time with him every day when I get home from work, and when I walk through the door, he's chirping away in his little play pen. Yes, I still keep him inside with me...don't even get me started on "He's-gonna-need-to-go-outside-before-too-long" speech that my husband keeps giving me! Like, um....How 'bout No? LOL Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated and also a list of any foods/natural diet things that may be can be found in our yard for him. Have a safe Memorial Day, and let us not forget the ones who are serving, have served, and the ones who gave their lives for our country. God Bless!


A Curious Mother Goose
If they can be fed to chickens it’s likely geese can eat them also. Domestic geese generally are grazers but they’ll also eat worms and other bugs on occasion, it’s usually ducks that will eat small fish and sometimes amphibians. Geese can also be picky eaters and they can take awhile to want to try something new so if they don’t eat them it’s not really surprising.

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