Goslings of 2014 Hatch-a-long

First CPG hatched Friday!!!

Makes sense!
So what would you do with detached air cells? Three of mine have them.

Put them up on end in an egg flat for 24 hours before incubating them to give them a chance to reattach. Then incubate them anyway. Hope, Miracle, and Wonder all had them, and that's exactly what I did. The air cells didn't reattach completely, but they seemed to become less and less mobile as the incubation went along and the air cell got bigger. My biggest worry was whether or not it would be still enough for them to properly position themselves for the internal pip. But they did, and they hatched :)
Oh, bother bother bother bother bother bother...right now I´m thinking that serv´s going to gain his 2 points!!   I hate it when he wins!!!  :lau   Whatever the case, it´s great Moose has a friend.  It´s just that stance.....it looks a bit macho....They both look great, by the way.   Look how Moose is feathering up.  Let´s hope your detached air-cells produce some girlies!  :D   And I do hope I´m wrong about Lucy!!

Haha I'm not that bothered to be honest. Shh.. don't tell Serv! ;)
She's in mid hissy fit because Moose keeps nibbling her and she doesn't like it. THAT could explain the stance :lol:
Put them up on end in an egg flat for 24 hours before incubating them to give them a chance to reattach. Then incubate them anyway. Hope, Miracle, and Wonder all had them, and that's exactly what I did. The air cells didn't reattach completely, but they seemed to become less and less mobile as the incubation went along and the air cell got bigger. My biggest worry was whether or not it would be still enough for them to properly position themselves for the internal pip. But they did, and they hatched :)

Yeah I do leave them to settle that way before hand but it doesn't seem to make a difference. That's why I started them off on end and lay them flat first chance I get. What to do for the best, eh?
Thanks. That's what I've been doing. I will stick to it. These will be my last eggs this year (oh that sounds so sad
) so i will stick to what has worked. I could try experimenting with some chicken eggs, have an endless supply of them! Would posting them to myself be taking it too far?
lol, I know people that mail eggs to friends in the same area to check packing

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