got a indoor worm composting bin (photo blog)

Hey all you worm bin people..

Yep, worm castings and worm tea rocks!

I mix worm castings and vermiculite as a seed starter. I water with compost tea that has worm tea in it for an extra boost in plant growth.

(We grow 100% of our lettuce under lights all winter.. We eat salad every day...
It is soooo much better than store bought!)

I love my worms and my worm bins..

IMO you can not be a "magical super gardener without them"

PS no onions my worms do not like it.. I do not add broccoli family either, cause it stinks! Lots of leaves in my bins..

I have a worm bin too.Just a plastic tote. My biggest problem is the fruit flies. I have taken to using a vacuum on those suckers.I got my worms from dd's Montessori class.They gave me a free cup and I now have a bin full this year. On friday the teacher asked me if I wanted the rest of the worms.I guess they are moving on to other things.I was excited.I got a 10 or 18 gallon tote box full of *black gold* aka worm poo,and what worms survived(lots).It was worth it to carry that heavy bin to my car! I have been setting up new bins so I can collect the poo dirt.I already added some to my plants.

I juice and the pulp from the juicer is great for the worms.I also use a blender on chunky stuff.I was reading pages on worms and saw they love pumpkins.I know they ate up my cantelope fast. Besides using the poo dirt for my plants I feed some worms to my frogs/toads.

I noticed red wigglers at the local petsmart or whatever it is called.Almost bought some there when I found out dd's class had a worm bin.It was like $5 for a cup of worms at the pet shop.

I was a sucker and bought an expensive worm set up after I killed 2 lbs of worms in a rubbermaid bin. (I had had success with that kind of bin in the past, I think I didn't feed them enough this time.) Anyway, the recommendation for fruit flies was to put an inch or two of shredded newspaper on top, it said they won't fly up through it. My "new" bin instructions said to add a layer of damp newspaper on top of the shredded newspaper. When I feed I pull back the shredded newspaper, add the food and then cover it all back up again.

Mine went crazy for a hunk of watermelon rind. They devoured everything except the green skin in about 3 days. I was amazed.

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