Got eggs for broody hen, and they hatched the next day!


Nov 26, 2011
My hen, Rebel, began getting broody about 4 days ago. Yesterday, I went by a friends house and picked up some fertilized eggs another hen had been sitting on. My friend did not know how long her hen was already on them....I put them under Rebel last night, and this afternoon when I got home there was a chick! Another followed about 3 hours later. We have one more egg.

I read through some of the learning posts, and see that we did it all wrong, and obviously did not plan ahead. The good thing is that Rebel is taking good care of the chicks sofar.

Our coop & nesting boxes are very high up (the chicks would drop at least 4ft if they went over the edge of the ladder) , so we decided to move them in a cage with a little "Nesting hotel" so Rebel can have privacy. it's a little small but will have do do at the moment. I also don't have chick feed yet. They caught me a little off guard! The cage is inside the coop. Is this sufficient (pic below)? It is on the ground, and now I wonder if I should have put some cardboard or someothing underneath. It is 75 degrees outside right now, 11pm ish. Daytime for the next few days is supposed to be 100+.

I would like for them to live with the rest of the flock as soon as possible.

I would appreciate any advice for this first timer. Thank you!

Goodness, what a surprise that must have been! I hope Rebel is still taking good care of the babies. It's a very sweet picture. Someone here on BYC will know more about their accommodation at the Nesting Hotel.
She is! It is amazing how nature works. She is the perfect, a little neurotic :), mother hen. It is so fun to watch them. The chicks are very adventurous. Still waiting for Egg#3 to hatch!

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