Got Flogged by A rooster tonight

I have a rooster...he's 6 yr old too and he's never laid an egg. Time to cull that one...I've been waiting far too long for that one to lay!
Thank you I needed that laugh! School starts tomorrow for my two and these past two weekends have been CRAZY.
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I need some advice. I have a young rooster about 15 or so weeks. Well he has decided that he wants to attack me... now I have dealt with this from my old rooster and got him to stop.. but this young one doesn't want to. I was feeding scraps to everyone and was outside the duck lot giving them some when he bit me then tried to jump on me. I stabbed him with my fork because he would not stop. He yelped and tried again. I also had my young pup out trying.g to teach it not to eat them if/when she gets big and here comes that stupid rooster!! Got her right on the head, she was just walking in the yard!! He does not run from me. I figures when I stabbed him with the fork (I did not break his skin) he would have gave up. How do I solve this? Like I said he does no back down.
If you'll read the thread it would detail some pointers. I can tell you a quick are always on the defensive with him, which makes you the weaker animal. Offensive behaviors mark the stronger animal. He will keep attacking you until you turn the tables and be the one that initiates the attack...and then keep attacking until he is constantly looking over his shoulder and trying to avoid you. You've already let him form bad habits and they may be irreversible by now but if you really want to keep him you will have to convince him that you are not something he dares to come near under any circumstance.

He might have done you a favor with your dog training, though.
He is very different then my other rooster. He seems to be the only one right now pushing his limits. I broke my other rooster from this stuff. This one I have smacked, jabbed with a fork, chased, you name it I have done it. He Is relentless. I even made him yell. no I'm not the weaker one. My behavior has not changed. I do not watch for him or run from him.
I think you should do what Bee said and turn the tables, you chase him, you attack him. Each rooster is different and has different limits, just gotta figure them out and go with it. I wish you the best of luck!

Edited: Sorry I just re-read your post and you already tried that.
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He is very different then my other rooster. He seems to be the only one right now pushing his limits. I broke my other rooster from this stuff. This one I have smacked, jabbed with a fork, chased, you name it I have done it. He Is relentless. I even made him yell. no I'm not the weaker one. My behavior has not changed. I do not watch for him or run from him.

Time to kill it, then. It's obviously confused about your role. I'm curious..did you hand feed these chicks treats and such when they were little?
What I did with my rooster is ignored him if he's just flapping his wings, and if he actually attacked me, I kicked him, and if he just wouldn't stop, I picked him up and held him by his feet long enough for him to get calm.
Oh, and I would also recommend solitary confinement for that rooster if he keeps on attacking. Sometimes a few hours in a cage positioned where he can see you and 'his' hens helps, and while he is in there, you could try holding your other chickens in front of him.

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