Got my Cayugas! (PIC)

They are very cute. I just love ducks. You might be able to sex them by how loud they are. I usually hold one of them and if they quack really loud it is usually a hen. Another way to tell if you walk up to them and one opens its mouth but doesn't say anything it is usually a drake.
I could only get two at that time, so that's what I did. Now I know where to get ducks near us so if something were to happen - which I pray doesn't - we'll be able to get a friend quickly without a costly min order charge - BUT, I'm going to town today so I am thinking I may just go a head & get a third one now. I don't know if my cousin has them sexed though... we'll see.

My hubby likes them more than he thought he would. He enjoys hanging out with them when I have them out and has decided he wants to build a better little coop for them out in the pen to make sure they are safe, hehe. Before he was only up for the bare minimum. He was freaking out about how much they have grown in the last week.

Your new babies are beautiful! It makes me miss the baby stage a lot!!!

My husband was a "sweetheart" when he let ME get ducks. Now, HE is absolutely ga-ga over them! Everyone calls them "his" ducks. He is depressed because it's getting dark here now before he gets home from work, and I have to put them in their night pen without him. And, in the morning, it's still too dark for him to let them out before he leaves for work. So, he lives for the weekend when he can go out in the yard and tinker on some way to make their pen safer. Or more dry. Or warmer. Or to "fluff" all their bedding and add Stall Fresh. Or to dig up some corner of the yard for them to dig in....etc. All of it just makes me feel like a really lucky wife though
... So, it's all good!

He is depressed because it's getting dark here now before he gets home from work, and I have to put them in their night pen without him. And, in the morning, it's still too dark for him to let them out before he leaves for work. So, he lives for the weekend when he can go out in the yard and tinker on some way to make their pen safer. Or more dry. Or warmer. Or to "fluff" all their bedding and add Stall Fresh. Or to dig up some corner of the yard for them to dig in....etc.

Amen, Sister. I'm livin' it, but I ain't lovin' it. Come on, Saturday!
Isn't that the most amazing growth process? Chicks put energy into feathers, and ducklings put energy into body mass! They stay fuzzy for so long, but you can almost see their growth on a daily basis. Like check on 'em in the morning and go, Whoa! Where are the LITTLE duckies?? How'd you get in here????

I love my Cayuga pair. I can tell you love yours just as much!
Oh we are having a ball with them!
My mom suggested we name them Vanilla and Bluebell.
My hubby keeps calling out "Rubber Duckies" at them and that gets their attention.
I'm personally getting to know their personalities and eventually names will pop up!

Come Christmas time we may be adding a Campbell duck. A friend of mine has one and just recently had to move to an apartment. Erny is currently living at her boyfriends home, but her & her daughter would really like Erny to have some buddies and more room to roam.

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