Got my chicks... and some questions

from West Palm Beach, FL!

Most chicks I've raised like to sleep in a big "pig pile" for quite some time, maybe 10 weeks or so, until they decide that roosting is better. And yes, they will all suddenly drop off for naps anytime of the day, leading you to think "nerve gas?" until you realize they're just taking a communal siesta.

But the jumping over their brooder-mates to get right under the light makes me also think they may be too cool. Our temps even in Fla have been below normal. Monitor it with a thermometer to be sure.

I wish I lived closer, I'd love to take those lil' SL roos off your hands, they grow out nice & big & meaty. You might be able to find another BYC member in your area, or post a notice at your feed store, and find someone who can take/buy them before you get too attatched.
Your third pic looks like an EE to me, with the broad face. I never thought I'd have them, they sounded weird, but I have absolutely fallen in love with my babies. I don't know if they are EE or Ameraucana. I guess time will tell if they develop breed standard. The first one looks a lot an australorpe, but I knew which breeds I had and then looked online to figure out which were which. Unless, of course, the dude at the feed store was mixed up. Always possible.

There is a baby chick picture contest in the Online Poultry show folder that I found very educational (and addictive.)
They do sleep a lot. Sometimes they just fall over while playing or fall asleep while they're eating. It's a little spooky to see when you don't realize it's normal, but pretty funny once you know it's ok.
I thought some of mine had died when I walked into the Nursery and saw them splayed out like dead soldiers on a battlefield all over the brooder. Freaked me out. But they woke up just like that!

Another time one of 'em fell asleep into a tripod! Standing, tipped over, propped on its head.

It's one reason to make sure there are marbles or rocks in the waterer basin (when they're very young) because they can fall asleep while drinking (or eating) and tip over into the water.
What makes you think you have boys already??? Also don't go by the color that they are now...they change ALOT!!! And yes...think newborn!!!
That just about sums it up..oh yeah and I'm convinced now that baby chicks have the same effect on us women as do human babies...our "mommy paranoia and nesting instincts just kick right in!!!
I bought a little digital temp guage on ebay(CHEAP & Free next day delivery!!!SWEET!)...It has been such a BLESSING....last time I kept tossing in my digital therm. every couple of hours to check the all I have to do is peek in and I know that they are ok! I had my brooder too warm last time I think...this time I'm just using a red 100watt light bulb and keeping them in my upstairs bathroom where it's above 70 anyway and free from drafts. The middle of the brooder is staying about 85 degrees...under the light is warmer of course and the end where the food is is cooler. Mine seem to do a little of evrything.."pile sleping" "spread out seperate sleeping" and even getting a little more playful and curious at 5 days old!
Depends on how many you have but just make sure that they have enough room to run around and get under the light and away from the light. Don't worry!!! You're doing GREAT!!! Oh and UMMM...we NEED pics of this "Daddy Dog"!!!
Blessings, Keri
Well, I'm assuming the "extras" are males because they weren't ordered but added in for comfort and warmth from Ideal. I'll be glad if they are hens
but if not, they have to go

Here are pics of the "daddy" he's growling right now at the other dog that is about 10 feet away from the brooder. I put his doggie bed next to it cause he was sleeping on the floor and though he might like some comfort with he's "brooding" lol.

Also, I almost have our coop done
Just have to finish painting it and putting up the wire. It will be done way before the peeps are ready to go in. I just wanted to make sure I had everything done in time. lol

This is LD (stands for Little Delicious lol)

Oh My Goodness!!! Is he a cockapoo??? Here's a pic of my "Abby"...she LOVES being a Mama to our chicks too and now recently has taken over as "Backyard Flock Protector"!!!
She insists on being outside for most of the day and I have to go and get her at night from the barn and bring her in!!!(LOL) She takes her new job VERY seriously!!! Ridding the side yard of pesky squirrels & hawks!!!(LOL)




I just started a thread under "managing your flock" for "Backyard Farm Dogs"!!! You have to post him on there!

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