got my lil 'geek squad'

So cute!
OMG ... they grow so fast

here they are about 9 weeks

I still know who dell and bing are, but get confused with chrome, firefox and google

how do you guys tell 'em apart??? LOL
OMG ... they grow so fast

here they are about 9 weeks

I still know who dell and bing are, but get confused with chrome, firefox and google

how do you guys tell 'em apart??? LOL
I have two Barred Rocks, Millie and Maggie, and I call them the M&M girls. When I am up close to them, I can tell them apart because their combs are different shapes. They also have different personality quirks, but not too different - the M&M girls are at the top of the pecking order together. But it was tough to tell them apart when they were growing and changing. That is one reason I like having a flock with a mix of breeds.

I have read some people put different color little zip ties on a leg (ends trimmed off) to tell them apart. It's the same idea as leg rings, but they are easier to find in the store.
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from 12/27 babies to their first eggs laid this past weekend

I also just learned that they start laying small eggs that will get larger ... learn something new every day being a new chicken mom
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