Got my new bator....

lol.... ya just wanted to point out that it was a guy that really did not know what he was doing!
Well.... the guy I got my eggs from apparently needs a better rooster, or take better care of his eggs! :)... I have 4 fertile eggs. I candled them at 10 days, and it looked like 2 were way further along than the other 2. I am thinking that 2 started growing while outside before the guy gathered them since he left them out all week. So now for the problem. They have been in the bator for 2 weeks. If they had started a week before, then I could be at day 18.... I added the outer ring of water to increase the humidity this morning, but left them in the turner. I am thinking that I could have hatchers any time... please let me know what you would do in this case!!

BTW... wont be getting any more eggs from Uncle Jack!
Could you see the chick moving inside? When the egg gets really dark and it is hard to see movement (maybe just a vein or two) then you are in the last few days of hatching and you should increase the humidity to at least 65%.
You can not see anything in these eggs, except for a little spot on one end you can get light to penetrate. Maybe 1/4" into the egg allows light in.

This is my first time hatching, so a little clueless as to what it really looks like.
Just an update I have not candled, not much of an update there huh but I did add some of Wynette's Black Cooper Marans on 8/30, I've never done a staggered hatch before, but when the Blue and Black Marans are ready for lockdown, I will have another incubator available for hatching. I have Blue and Black Mottled Duccle's and Blue Marans supposed to hatch within the next day or two. Good Luck to all, I will be busy running, Oh I didn't tell you, I also have a Spitzenhauben on eggs ready to hatch her lockdown day was yesterday, so I should get that side walk, I wanted to the hen house after all.

Update... Lock down in the morning. Candled tonight, and I know that I saw movement in 3 of the 4. One of them is stinking a little, but looks the same as the other 3, and a think that I seen movement in that one as well... is it possible for one to stink a little (was not really bad), and still be ok? Bear with me... im learning!

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