Got my new bator....


In the Brooder
9 Years
Dec 7, 2010
Been here for quite a while and just been reading! Got my first incubator last week (HovaBator Genesis 1588) and will be setting eggs Friday or Saturday (Silver Wynadotte). I will be back when the day gets here!!
Where did you get it I'm waiting for one from
Oh yeah
Maybe we can be hatching buddies. I have some already in a bator and 2 broodies on eggs.
That was my first incubator and I got 100% from SHIPPED eggs on my first hatch
My recommendation to you is to get a small tube (lilke for the fish aquariums) and set it inside the water tray and up through the hole in the top and use a Gravy bulb baster to add water rather then opening it up. Worked SO much better for me
I got MUCH better rates when doing that
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Sounds like a plan... I have plenty of tubing laying around. I got mine off ebay. It is actually Incubator Warehouse. If you chk them out online. I am getting the eggs from my wifes uncle. He is collecting them up for me now. Said he should have enough to fill it up by Friday or Saturday.
Set my eggs yesterday afternoon. The guy that collected them for me, left them in his chicken pen all last week, and I picked them all up on Saturday. Do you think that leaving them outside in 90 degree heat for a week is going to effect them? He is an uncle, and I did not specify I wanted them left at room temp. Whats your thoughts?
They should be alright. Unless they were left in the sun. We should be hatching on the same day. I put my marans eggs in last night. Today be day one. I have the same incubator, unless yours had an electric preset thermostat, does it?
Well, some of them may already have started to develop, but apart from that if they are at most a week old you should still get a good hatch. Just keep an eye out for early pips and be ready to go into lockdown early if necessary.

P.S. I chuckled at the '...he is an uncle...' explanation. I know you probably meant it as in he's a relative doing a favour and not a seller ripping you off for poorly stored eggs, but it made me laugh just thinking of all my daft uncles and the silly things they've done over the years, where I just had to roll my eyes and say to someone 'It's okay, he's an uncle...'

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