Got our first egg!

The Chickeneer

~A Morning's Crow~
9 Years
Jan 9, 2011
Central Valley California
We got our male peacock about this time last year, then got our female a few weeks after. Well anyways, I walked into their pen yesterday and I found an egg in the nest area
. We waited a long time for that egg, the female was about a year when we got her last summer, so this was probably her first egg ever. Our male,I would guess is around 5 years or so....Anyways I checked in the nest today to see if she had laid another one, and I found the first eggs cracked open
I ended up just feeding it to the chickens. I think it could have been rodents or wild birds that cracked it open but i dont know. So how often does a peahen lay her eggs? Everyday, every other day? I know It takes 28 days to hatch, but how many eggs are typically in a clutch for them?

My uncle has peacocks, maybe 40 to 50 of them running wild on his property, and there are always eggs and feathers everywhere, so I think I might get some eggs from him to add to her nest once she has a few in there.
Hey! Congratulations! I got my first egg last year. Peahens can lay eggs at one supposedly but I think it's more usual for around the age of two!
When my peahen laid eggs she laid 7 and I put them under a broody chicken as the peahen didn't go broody! She laid every other day by the way.

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