Got some gender guesses, would like other opinion


Aug 29, 2017
While I know that you can never be 100% sure of sex with mixed breed chickens until then crow or lay, I think I have a decent grasp on what a few of my 8wk old chicks are, but I'd love to hear others opinions:

This is a blue maran/silved laced wayondotte mix (super pretty if I say so myself), honestly not sure, leaning towards male, but smallest out of the group and saddle feathers don't look obviously male, waddles are not very procounced, but comb is bright colored. However has been feathering very slowly compared to the other chicks, even the one I feel is a positive male.



Thinking female, EE/buff orp mix (possible black copper maran roo, but thinking the buff orp due to color at hatch and feathering), uncertain because comb is larger than it's almost twin and waddles are more pronounced


Fairly positive female, black copper maran/EE mix

Fairly positive female, EE/buff orp mix(possible black copper maran roo, but thinking the buff orp due to color at hatch and feathering)



Almost positive male, very bright, colored comb+waddles, pronounced saddle feathers. Black copper maran/silver laced wayondotte mix, feather footed to boot lol


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I only see one male. The first one may be a cockerel as well but i'm going with pullet for now. Give them a few more weeks and you'll know for sure whose who
I only see one male. The first one may be a cockerel as well but i'm going with pullet for now. Give them a few more weeks and you'll know for sure whose who

Yeah that first one has been driving me nuts wondering because it was the slowest feathering of all of them, which is normally a male trait, and it was the first to start getting color to its comb, but I'm really hoping it's a pullet because it's color is so unique and I can't keep roos. The feather footed I KNOW is a boy, already planning a good roast of chicken when it starts to crow in a couple more months. So sad because I recently lost an obvious pullet to a hawk the other day and it was my favorite of the bunch, only one that would run up to me and liked being held and pet :(. It is what it is though. 4/5 or even 3/5 is a great pullet ratio considering I only hatched 6/7 eggs.
I think you're pretty accurate. I'm guessing first and last are male. BTW, hackle and saddle feathers are secondary characteristics and don't start showing till around 10 weeks or so. Often accompanied by voice change. Pretty, nicely varied flock.

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