Got the first use out of my dash cam.

Oh no
Was anyone hurt?
Nope an that camera was pricy. $300 But with my luck with other drivers im sure it will pay for its self.

My HD video camera I do my other videos with was about $100. It does great as long as its on a tripod an not moving.

We wont get in to the cost of my web camera setup
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Nope an that camera was pricy. $300 But with my luck with other drivers im sure it will pay for its self.

My HD video camera I do my other videos with was about $100. It does great as long as its on a tripod an not moving.

I know what you mean about your luck, I'm the same way. It could be raining fruitloops and I'd walk outside and get hit in the head with an anvil.
Yea, at least the whole top floor is gutted. Didn't go in ton see how bad the main floor was. No one was home though an I am being told they were out of town.

hmmmm makes you wounder how the fire started then
if they left everything the way they normaly do then maybe someone broke in and started that would be even worse to me
my ex and i were at a stop light and some jacked up truck came up behind us. ex stepped off the break to idel up some so we could go and he rear ended us saying he couldnt see us and he thought we had left, i was pregnant at the time to. no charges were filled though

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