Gower's Feed Eastern Panhandle ChIcKeNsToCk Sat. July 9th Ranson, WV

I'll have started chicks in OEGB, Silkies, BO, RIR heritage breed, Aussies and maybe some Russian Orloff Bantams.
Will have some juvies as well. BO, Aussies, a dark red trio of RIR, pair of Grisham Wellsumers, Wheaten Marans, Bantam Cochins, Guineas and more. Oh, and maybe some India Blue Peachicks.
Our Peahens did good. We have nipple waterers too.
I would like to remind everyone of our new policy. We have been seeing increasing numbers of very disappointed customers who travel a good distance only to see boxes of birds in the parking lot as they arrive at opening time. This would cause great frustration if you are seeking something in particular and just drove 3 hours to find it.

NEW RULE: There will be no sales until actual opening time of Chickenstock. Anyone spotted selling before 8am will be given a warning. Persistance to evade said new rule will cause Msbear to
and maybe

A few of us talked it over and decided it was the best way to keep everyone happy... even us. Now we can set up in peace
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Setting up in peace.....ahhhhh sweet! I don't know if I will be setting up at Gower's or not
Depends on what I get motivated to do between now and then.
Hi Everybody, We'll be at the Swap Sat. at Gowers with used (cleaned) rabbit, duck & goat supplies. We have 2 Wood Duck/ Mandarin nest boxes, duck swimming pools - small and large, a dozen Netherland Dwarf nestboxes, 4 goat hay mangers, several dozen crocks & several small cages for carrying rabbits or chickens or whatev Will have more refurbished cages in September. If anyone has any questions send me a message and I will be happy to answer. See you all Saturday. Slkymom1-4
Sorry, no Cayuga Ducks though
Kinda scarry that there has not been much activity on this topic lately. Did everyone go away for the 4th of July? Maybe everyone is busy getting ready? Forecasting good weather. I guess I'll find out this Saturday.
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I am worried also. We won't be setting up but I want everyone else to have a great turnout! It is important to the WV folks to be able to keep some events in WV. Getting our State Vets office to come AI every time we want to go accross state lines is a hardship.

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