GQF Sportsman 1502

How long did it take you to get your incubator from the time you ordered it? Did you get an updated email saying that they shipped it?

I am waiting for my wafer thermostat from them, I ordered on Saturday.
I can't wait.
I just set mine up today
!!! I almost ordered from surehatch but I had a question. When I tried to call I couldn't get an answer. When they finally emailed me back - no call - I said if no one would talk to me by phone I was going to order it elsewhere and did
. Does anyone know how to set this up if you usually dry incubate? I live in a humid climate and I use the little refrigerators and the styros to incubate and I totally dry incubate until first pip. With the large fan running I would think that would not work out to well in this awesome machine. I was going to fill the humidity pan and then use their suggestion to cover it slightly with either saran or foil. Any tips would be greatly appreciated
You folks with the new Sportsman 1502 Digital unit. I just got mine and I am hatching Quail. Would like to know what target humidity percentage reading on my pannel will get me the best hatches. You have experence and thats always the best. Thanks for your help
Let's keep this thread going...I think we are going to need to buy a 1502 our little tabletop incubators are full, and just
not that versatile. What accessories would you reccomend we get when we take the plunge?
I just completed a 180 egg, staggered, 3 week, 60 egg per set, incubation/hatch in my 1502 and 1550 setup. Of the 170 fertile eggs, I successfully hatched 158 chicks. As far as temp and humidity settings go, I watched it like a hawk for the first week. Humidity in the 1502 with a full water tray stayed right around 40 to 45. After the first week, I just let the thing do its job. I made sure the water tray was full which resulted in adding water about every other day.

Once I moved the first 60 eggs to the hatcher on incubation day 18, I added 1 wick and kept the water tray full again. Per my cheepo weather station I bought to monitor temp/humid in the hatcher (bought the hatcher used and wasn't sure about whether or not the humidity was reading right), temp was always about 99 degrees and humidity hovered around the 65 to 70 percent mark. Again, all i did was make sure the water tray was full.

I achieved a 92.9% hatch rate just by turning the machines on and making sure they had water. It was THAT easy!!!! I never had to mess with temperature settings at all. BTW this was my first attempt at hatching eggs of any kind EVER!

If I had auto waterers for the 2 units, Im convinced they would have been 100% hands off.

Guess my point is, Im not real sure you have to sweat ANY of the small stuff with these units. Fill the water tray, turn 'em on, verify initial temp and humidity and let 'em rip! I was hesitant to spend the money required for these units but dang Im glad I did. I will take that kind of hatch rate all day long!.

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I have my 1502 in the basement wich is dry this time of year,I put 2 tupperware containers to float like boats in the water pan(reducing surface area ),the humidity is about 35 percent.
I use a 1202 for a hatcher,2 pads bring the humidity up to 62-65 percent.I have to open up after 48 hours to fill the pan with warm water,it recovers so quick that I don't think it hurts at all.
I have had very good hatches,51 out of 52 last week
Anyone here dry hatch in a Sportsman 1502?

Just setup my Sportsman and humidity on the display is running around 23-25%,

Think I'll try my 1st setting dry.

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