Grain Scratch

Dragron_ heart

Jun 25, 2017
Snohomish, WA
Is grain scratch good for the chickens or is it just a marketing idea from the animal industry. I have always give the chickens cracked corn but the scratch looks more nutritious to me.
Is grain scratch good for the chickens or is it just a marketing idea from the animal industry. I have always give the chickens cracked corn but the scratch looks more nutritious to me.
What we get as scratch grain here contains Wheat, milo and corn. Some kinds have sunflower seeds, and other grains.
It is probably better than corn alone, but still is not complete nutrition, and should be given in moderation. I wait until they have eaten most of their chicken feed before giving them any other foods.
Advantages of scratch grains is that chickens like to forage on the ground, and it gives them something to do if they don't get to free range. And if they are free ranging, scratch can be used to encourage them to come when called.

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