

Aug 22, 2023
Hi, what grain should I give my hens. My girls are eating a ton of layers feed but layers is getting expensive, what grain should I give them, I tried barley and oats and they finish that fast too, I'll still give them layers but I would like to save a bit of money.
or how can I save money on feed?
Thanks in advance
If it is too $$, get rid of some of the fowl. Keep just 2 or 3 and buy better feed. Grains will make them lay LESS. Cheap feed will lay less too if that is what you are keeping them for.
One thing I learned about Organic feeds and Organic feeding is that they will lay a lot less on that too. Which is sad because I liked that aspect when I had hens.
As said, Grains are more $$.
Let them free range when you can. The week mine were shut in they ate so much more then before when they were ranging around the yard eating bugs
I recently built them a bigger pen so hopefully they'll eat less feed. I think I'll just keep them on layers and just suck it up.
If it is too $$, get rid of some of the fowl. Keep just 2 or 3 and buy better feed. Grains will make them lay LESS. Cheap feed will lay less too if that is what you are keeping them for.
One thing I learned about Organic feeds and Organic feeding is that they will lay a lot less on that too. Which is sad because I liked that aspect when I had hens.
As said, Grains are more $$.
Let them free range when you can. The week mine were shut in they ate so much more then before when they were ranging around the yard eating bugs
I've fed Nature's Best Organic at times & even though the layer is 16%, the chickens laid more. Your experience may be different, but it is not proven that they less on organic feed.

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