Granny's gone and done it again

We have snow

good morning all. I have managed to get a blister/puffy spot on my wisk finger :hmm

Walmart run first thing, Got the "gift cards" for nieces and nephew's. The older 2 usually get 100.00 each BUT I'm a little "pissey" at nephew Mick (worked here a couple summers) sorry BUT I am tired of no Thank You notes for gifts/money :rant:mad:, so he only got 50.00 maybe that will "encourage" him to be "polite and appreciative"

Then fudge cooking Over 25 pounds of fudge done. Also got cleaning supplies and some other odds and end. Didn't get dog food so will have to do that Sat. I still have a 50 lb bag in garage.

Then got to Mass, I may have let my "feelings be known (sort of) to the Priest after Mass last night. He was standing at the door and wishing everyone one "Happy Feast Day" (Immaculate Conception) I said "NO" Happy Pearl Harbor Day the Feast is NOT until tomorrow. :rant He looked a little startled and then actually agreed with me. BUT what else could he do as I was right. For some reason this church doesn't do "special/actual masses" on the Feast Days but does the vigil instead. Which drives me NUTZ.

Then home and made supper for Vickie and myself. Finally got to sit /relax/ no people about 10:30 pm.

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