Granny's gone and done it again

Turned lights on in two of my pens today. Hope to get more eggs soon. Moved one crate outta the littles pen. Changed out hay in nesting boxes. Started some cracked corn fermenting. Be ready to feed Tuesday. Moved hoses around. All but one are leaking due to freezing. Nice day today. 50* not much wind. Got 1 egg-polish. Went to wallyart for groceries. Only put ones in frig cause back is killing me now.
aww I bet he was thrilled ! How is #2 ? Is he wrapped up in cars like #1 is ?
Sorry to hear about the serama
#2 was at robotics today. He is into classic motorcycles. Has a 1975 Honda CB360 in pieces all over the garage. He fixed the transmission already and trying to figure out why the cam shaft is not staying in the right spot. I sound like I know what I'm talking about, don't I? :gig
#2 was at robotics today. He is into classic motorcycles. Has a 1975 Honda CB360 in pieces all over the garage. He fixed the transmission already and trying to figure out why the cam shaft is not staying in the right spot. I sound like I know what I'm talking about, don't I? :gig
:gigwhy yes ma,am you do.
#2 was at robotics today. He is into classic motorcycles. Has a 1975 Honda CB360 in pieces all over the garage. He fixed the transmission already and trying to figure out why the cam shaft is not staying in the right spot. I sound like I know what I'm talking about, don't I? :gig
That's hilarious sounds like my hubby with his bike, it's bin awhile since he worked, & for once I actually miss it
#1 got to drive a classic muscle car today. Wish I could have got a pic of the grin on his face!

My Serama isn't doing so well. Her bad eye is worse and she's got wry neck now... can't eat on her own. Can't really walk either. She's sleeping on my lap now, wrapped in a towel. Poor little thing. She clucks to me, though, so I will keep trying. Ming is miffed! No lap for her.

Slower than my usual slow... using the cell phone.
Bet he was thrilled over that. It's a good feeling and learning to have full control of one is an awesome feeling. Unfortunately I knew a lot who never learned how and they were a dangerous bunch
Hubs hasn't seen any yaks yet, but he did send these pics!


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