Granny's gone and done it again

Post #45678
3 days in the dog house -saying pretty please might get you early release for good behavior. this must be accompanied by lots of yes mams and thank you my goddess

that should have been my first clue. Then I didn't get time to actually check the post number and see if it was right (which is isn't) I finally checked

and I could still post on the thread (3 rd clue) maybe

Life is good .
even if it is self-cleaning you STILL need to wipe out the ash and such. Also before self-cleaning a oven make SURE to check that the oven is empty
OH and the adult Yaks have NOT used the loafing barn with the nice warm and fluffy straw we put in there.
Hope Porter doesn't freeze his valuables
The calves are using theirs
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you know you can copy paste posts ? Took me 5 mins to find it. LOL
If they get cold they will go in. babys dont have the insulation the big ones do.

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