Granny's gone and done it again

I didnt tell yall what happened in the barn. Normally what happens in the barn stays in the barn but this time I was out there w/Robert and a pr of doves had made their way in. To build a nest I suppose. Robert was NOT liking this and said they got to go ! Next thing I knew one of them had. Right in Binks mouth. I felt bad. but Robert said thats what they get for entering a cats lair. (He believes they know these things) This am right out my window I woke to the call of a lonely mourning dove. :(
I was pouring myself a nice cup of coffee and I felt something wet hit my foot. I swirled around and know well and good Robert just hit me w/ the squirt bottle I acted all surprised and said What was that ?? He said, it was the cat. I said the cat peed on my foot ? Now we were on opposite sides of the bar and he couldnt see my feet I hollered out You SOB ! I drew my foot back and swung wide. Making a loud noise as my foot connected w/ floor. I will never in my life forget the look on that boys face . bahahaaaa I made my face look really mad and turned to Robert and said He had it coming. I honestly thought Robert was gonna cry so I told him the truth quickly where he decided paybacks were not funny and grabbed the sprayer hose and proceeded to soak me w/ the icy cold water within it. hahaa stink pot
I didnt tell yall what happened in the barn. Normally what happens in the barn stays in the barn but this time I was out there w/Robert and a pr of doves had made their way in. To build a nest I suppose. Robert was NOT liking this and said they got to go ! Next thing I knew one of them had. Right in Binks mouth. I felt bad. but Robert said thats what they get for entering a cats lair. (He believes they know these things) This am right out my window I woke to the call of a lonely mourning dove. :(
Mourning dove are thick as thieves around here. They do have a mournful sound. Just discovered this past year that a road runner has a very similar call.
31GAWoyzPSL.jpg : Joseph's Coat Climbing Rose, 12-18" Tall Plant ...

Walmart had those, too, but I’m partial to the piñatas.

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