Granny's gone and done it again

One of my work guys was mentioning one of the shooters was anti trump? I haven’t heard the whole manifesto.

I dunno. I think crazy is crazy and just looks for excuse. You gotta think where have we failed as a society where this is becoming so commonplace?
THe part about to many people on the earth and we are ruining it.
I am trying to put a dinner together and I have to rest in between each thing. Gonna starve at this rate. Corn shucked, cantaloupe sliced and diced still have salad and bacon yet to do and IDK what else if anything. Seems weird to not be saving the scraps
Robert needs to help, you are not always going to be there. He need some to learn to cook, granny style..
Robert needs to help, you are not always going to be there. He need some to learn to cook, granny style..
He cooks for everyone about once a week. Simple stuff and if I wait for him to get up he helps me. Today it took Tom, My Nancy and myself to do the bacon. LOL
10 eggs from 11 hens. 88* at 7pm with high humidity makes for a sweaty Jane. Wasn't out there for 10 minutes. Okra, scalloped taters, butter beans, cornbread for supper. I'm starving cause a ate pb&j Sammy for lunch
YUM, Bring all that w/ you when you come for the sammich. Jane, How do you cook 3 xs a day and all the other stuff you do ?
Fireplace Bruce.
If possible get a woodstove insert for it. Fireplaces suck heat out of the house.

School started today. Gd is riding the bus & I didn't know what time it would come so I sat on the porch sweating for 30+ minutes. She was wet with sweat also. Why do they start so early?
Early as in "time of day" or "time of year"? Either way starting school on Aug 7th is weeks earlier than around here.

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