Granny's gone and done it again

Mille flure/silkie ?

Maybe? I’ll check toes in the morning.
Did you hear that story about the peanut butter ? I aint telling it, you might spread it around. :oops:
My son is lazy. I asked him if he was up to making me some coffee. He said no. I said are you feeling ok? Yes, then why dont you want to make coffee? Just dont want to. At least he is honest. :smack I told him when he was a little, Just tell me the truth and you wont get in trouble. He is still holding me to that. sigh... We teach our kids, Dont talk to strangers. 25 yrs later and he still wont. Last time I took him to the drs. The nurse asked him, How are you feeling ? He turned his head and refused to answer. She was a stranger.
Toms meals came today. Instead of UPS a man in a Moms meals truck brought them. He was fat. And I mean hugely fat. I asked him to bring the box in and he turned sideways. He asked me to sign for them, Never had to do that before I said. Is it so you dont eat them? Probably go back to UPS next time.
No, but I saw her in the pen this morning. So she’s comfortable enough to come out of the dog house.
well, at least she is getting fed and protected from wild critters. I never did understand why people want them in those kennels.
well, at least she is getting fed and protected from wild critters. I never did understand why people want them in those kennels.

I think he’s just doing it til she warms up. His other dogs always worked with him.

You know them colors and the top hat is my favorite of them all.

That’s why I showed you! :hugs

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