Granny's gone and done it again

They are doing great! The doe is still very small but she's eating from mom. They have to lay down to eat because mom is so short. View attachment 2009921
How adorable. They look so cozy.
Is your doe freakishly particularly small? Never seen baby have to do the limbo to nurse!

I dont need anyone fussing at me cause it aint gonna do ya no good.
Bandit got out, delivery guy called on his way all while I am trying to prepare to do Toms foot. I put Tom on the back burner, finally got Bandit who is a muddy mess and I leashed him just as the man pulls up. Tom said go watch him. I get in there and the jaw pain hits me like a ton of bricks. Robert brought me the baby aspirin and I got in my chair. Tom said go watch him and I told him I couldnt but I had woke Robert to help. Aspirin helped and I finished up w/ Tom . His tendon seems bigger and he about cried when I was scrubbing it. I cant imagine the pain.
Anyway, its all done for the day. I have dinner in the oven so I have an hour break.
Pert, I dont know the reason they are doing this but probably an insurance thing. They said she is down to 2xs a week now.
Jaw pain? I'm gonna fuss at you. :( Aspirin isn't enough. nag nag nag!
What was the guy delivering?

Granny I’d be raising heck with your doctors, insurance, all of the above.
You. Need. More. Help. You. Can. Not. Do. Everything.
I’m saying this with every ounce of love in my heart, but there is only so much you can do. It does no good if you push yourself too hard and break yourself.
It's so frustrating. Sad thing is, they won't give her more help. They will put Tom in a nursing home. Neither of them want that.

Nice looking dogs! :D One of yours, h20?

Morphine makes me itch. I scratched my chest raw the last time I was on it.
It gave my grandma horrible hallucinations.
I had one shot in the backside during a long induced labor. I still felt all the contractions... just didn't care one bit.
Good luck at camp. Don't be too sad :hugs

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