Granny's gone and done it again

Art club sounds like a good thing. Hope she gets in. Good to make a friend so close by. How about your neighbors? Nice or ?

We haven’t met many others. Everyone is quiet, keeps to themselves.

I remember my DD was 12 asking to cross the street to go play and I told her no.

DD just turned 11. I was probably 12 when we were allowed to ride bikes all over.

I dont NEED any but they sure are fun to scape. I have a 20 gallon long sitting empty and I have everything except the tank for a 20 tall. Its just that I am already invested in it. I could use the wood I bought in a different tank but it would require a lot of work.

Terrarium! All the fun of plants but no expense of fish.
Are they any less meaningless today? The only constraints upon us today, are those we shackle ourselves with. :old
I was being literal about the fences. We were rural surrounded by large open parcels. Most neighbors never even knew if we were roaming on their land. People are meaner now. Kids show up on their property and they don't invite them in for lemonade, they call the sheriff.

Terrarium! All the fun of plants but no expense of fish.
That's a great idea!
Seeing who will back down first!
I love watching the garden eels go in and out of their burrows.

Is short legged a genetic mutation? New to me. Like munchkin cats?
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You saw it a few years back... just too old to remember. :D Always makes me crack up.

You are one of the few that know what a granny hatchet is!
Hope you and your princess had a lovely anniversary. 💗
She's a pygmy where as my others are Nigerian dwarfs. She's small but I've had smaller pygmy goats before. One I had was the size of a shihz tu at a year old.
I hate to party poop but its been a long day.
Cap you see on that Bday thread I said I was 39? LOLOL
sweet dreams all and again, thanks for a good day.
You wish you were 39 granny. :lau
Birthday thread? You didn't tell me there was a birthday thread.

No actual birthday thread, she posted in the NFC B-Day (Debbys B-Day) thread here... :D

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