Granny's gone and done it again

Well I am here BUT tired.

Yesterday was 'mixed" The new owner of Beary and Kleansor is very chuffed with them and they loaded beautifully. :yesss:

Then found Janet aka the Slacker (was 18) 1/2 in the creek DOA evidently she was fine Friday late afternoon. Looked like she fell thru the ice layer ( 2 to 3 inches thick) and then down to the ground which was about 2 feet lower. I suspect that she ended up having a heart attack as the ground was a bit plowed/dug up where she had been trying to get back out. There was NO water where she fell thru. 10 years out there and have NEVER had layers of ice over and empty creek bed. And ALL the adults have been cris-crossing the creek all over and bouncing all around the big pasture.
She is currently down in the burn pit beside old 19 who was her buddy , I think for most of their lives.
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Beary and Kleansor at their new home.
Cant blame you there. That would be the final straw . I have never seen a creek do that before. Did you finish busting the ice up ? It sounds like she was crossing after dark, any idea why ?

no idea and not sure how I would do that for the entire creek. By the looks of it the water underneath has been gone most of the winter. I might just lock the whole herd into the tit for awhile.

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