Granny's gone and done it again

She's currently an only grandchild on both sides so it's not my fault that she's spoiled, I swear! My brother's wife is pregnant though so she won't be alone much longer. She's actually not taking it very well and I think that's hilarious.
He's alright. He's really attractive and that gets him out of trouble a lot. :lau
a built in babysitter ! I had my 2 13 yrs apart. One graduated high school the other started kindergarden.
Its not real hard to do feather. Google a picture then click on it to make it big. Then you RIGHT click your computer/mouse/lap top and it will say copy. You click that. then come back , start a post and right click again but this time pick PASTE
Its not real hard to do feather. Google a picture then click on it to make it big. Then you RIGHT click your computer/mouse/lap top and it will say copy. You click that. then come back , start a post and right click again but this time pick PASTE
Ize gonna need praktise doin that! :fl
a built in babysitter ! I had my 2 13 yrs apart. One graduated high school the other started kindergarden.

lol, When my sister in law announced that she was pregnant my daughter said, "You're joking right?" went to her room and slammed the door...I can't even make this stuff up. I don't think she'll be in line to babysit any time soon, lol, maybe once the baby isn't pooping on itself anymore. She loves little kids and they love her...when they're not stealing her limelight from the grandparents.

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