Granny's gone and done it again

And yet. Let’s mandate electric cars for all...eye roll.
I'll see your eye roll and raise you a face palm! 🤦‍♀️

I'm also in love with the floppy ear!

This is what I did today. Finished my dogs obedience title!
Congratulations h2o!
There's less of you in that pic. :D
I used to be 5'7'' I have shrunk. I was 140 at age 16 and skinny. They say you never get back down to your before babies weight. 150 would be awesome for me.
I want to be back to pre baby weight! Of course I was in my 30s for the babies, so not trying to get back to the teen years! I think it can be done, but I don't know if your shape ends up being the same. :rolleyes:

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