Granny's gone and done it again

There is not much they can do for me in the ER. We have no urologists here. The soonest I can get in to one is the 16th, and that is just for a consult. I am not in screaming pain, just uncomfortable. And it comes and goes. I think it will probably pass on its own, and I suspect my doctors think so too. And that's why they have scheduled me for so far out. If they thought I was in danger, they would get me in right away.
someone told me lemon water would help it pass. I dont know if thats true or not.
Sounds like you are feeling better!

I can't understand what she's singing most of the time. Ella Fitzgerald does a nice classic version... and I can understand her. :D
Yeah there is a better version of her singing it on you tube. Prob a studio version. That song just gives me goosebumps.
My puppy winn8ng a major at the Las Vegas show.

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