Granny's gone and done it again

Poor Tom, breaks my heart. He tried taking his AM shot at 4am when it should be 7am. Robert stopped him and when I got up Tom yelled at me for what Robert did. Just now Tom got up all confused as to when he should get up to take it. Kept telling me he stayed up til 8PM so what time should he get up? I ended up leading him back to his bed and tucking him in. He was so confused. He thinks Robert is yelling at him to be mean when in fact he is talking loud because Tom cant hear him. They didnt speak to each other today because of hurt feelings. I told Robert if he wants to take it at 4am let him and he got upset with me. Said he will die . I assured him he wouldnt . But thats not going to stop Robert from stopping Tom taking it too early. I dont know what to do.
@Cynthia12 Did you run into problems like this?
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Poor Tom, breaks my heart. He tried taking his AM shot at 4am when it should be 7am. Robert stopped him and when I got up Tom yelled at me for what Robert did. Just now Tom got up all confused as to when he should get up to take it. Kept telling me he stayed up til 8PM so what time should he get up? I ended up leading him back to his bed and tucking him in. He was so confused. He thinks Robert is yelling at him to be mean when in fact he is talking loud because Tom cant hear him. They didnt speak to each other today because of hurt feelings. I told Robert if he wants to take it at 4am let him and he got upset with me. Said he will die . I assured him he wouldnt . But thats not going to stop Robert from stopping Tom taking it too early. I dont know what to do.
@Cynthia12 Did you run into problems like this?
Sounds like a HUGE misunderstanding. Hope they get it figured out. :hugs

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