Granny's gone and done it again

Jack black.

Sigh. Ex of mine that I'm still friends with went to see a band called the Tea Party the other night, and was posting vids/pics on his instagram.

Canadians will know this band....americans....probably not so much. But now I'm playing their music feeling a little homesick.

Hubs was looking at the zillow again the other night. I mean...we could swing it. But I'm waiting for this to be like Eureka last year where we get up there and he goes hmm, nope not as good as we were hoping. Well, I think Oregon is off the short list now - he realized you can't pump your own gas down there...and, well, the offroad truck is a little tricky for that lol. You gotta hop up, balance precariously bracing yourself on some roll cage, and go.

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