Granny's gone and done it again

😄 I watch the holiday cooking competitions sometimes. Gives me loads of inspiration... to sit on the couch while someone else does all the work! It truly is torture. My back has been bad for over a couple of weeks now. Not terrible, but enough to make me grumpy.
ya Im watching that now. cakes. Like I said, I have never watched the cooking channel before. hahaa Surprised Im not breaking out in a rash.
Sorry your hurting.
Let see how news on wants to run for president. Can you imagine him in the White House
The sad thing is I can imagine him there. Fits right in with the rest of them.
tim curry clown GIF
Sad day! I stayed up late waiting for Socks to kid. Hit bed at 4, then couldn't sleep. I went up to see her today, and premature doe, dead. One live buck with only one testicle. And one very pretty doe that never got out of the sack, cold and dead. This is the second time Socks carried three babies and only ended up with one live one. I think she needs a new home.

so very sorry there Cap,
Yeah. I will eat salad or vegetables but only if they are there. I don5 make them. I get my minerals from drinking nourishing herbal infusions.
I have drifted off the strict keto lately. Been enjoying summer fruits. Yesterday I ate out with sis. Had thai curry, and ate the potatoes and a bit of the rice that came with it. Soooo delicious, but good heavens did I pay for it. Upset my whole system, uncomfortable all night... ugh.
That'll learn me!
I have drifted off the strict keto lately. Been enjoying summer fruits. Yesterday I ate out with sis. Had thai curry, and ate the potatoes and a bit of the rice that came with it. Soooo delicious, but good heavens did I pay for it. Upset my whole system, uncomfortable all night... ugh.
That'll learn me!
that sucks you cant eat what you want w/o getting sick

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