Granny's gone and done it again

Today is DH and my 16th anniversary. No big plans. We decided to copy what we did that day in Arizona. Go for a hike, do some target shooting then have a nice relaxed dinner at home. Decided we didn't need to redo the wedding part. That took and stuck!
Happy anniversary! Many happy returns of the day! ❤️

Good afternoon!
nice to see you, Huff! :frow

I planted 2 beds of string beans, about 4'x12', really crammed them in there, because i am hoping they shade out the weeds.
Also starting Siberian Wallflower seeds. Want to try something different.
Nice! Trying to figure out how to have a garden my chickens can't get into.

This is sureal. Snowed all day, going to all night. We are having roofs fall in on higher altitude homes. The pictures were so sad. The snow this afternoon was very wet because of the warmer temp..34. Here's just one photo. View attachment 3454600
That is sad, Cynthia. This winter has just been brutal in so many places!

The top of my foot has been charlie horsing for 2 days now. I bought some gateraid but got sick trying to drink it. Nasty stuff.
There are lots of different flavors, which one did you try? I like the red one pretty well. It all takes some getting used to because it has to replace your body's salts and minerals. Tastes kinda salty to me. I also like the lime-cucumber one although it's kinda weird.
GirlChild got a new cat today.

Picture doesn't do her justice. She's just a little grey cat that belonged to a friend of hers. GC has always loved her and I guess the friend said she could have her if she wanted her. Cat is very sweet and cuddly, good with dogs and other cats. Only drawback is she's a "counter kitty." No worries, we can fix that. Name is Sylva.
GirlChild got a new cat today.
View attachment 3454705

Picture doesn't do her justice. She's just a little grey cat that belonged to a friend of hers. GC has always loved her and I guess the friend said she could have her if she wanted her. Cat is very sweet and cuddly, good with dogs and other cats. Only drawback is she's a "counter kitty." No worries, we can fix that. Name is Sylva.

so would that make Sylva's previous owner Silva's Mother ??

Stopping this before it happens in ND

(KXNET) — On Monday, April 3, state senators approved two similar bills pertaining to transgender athletes in school sports.

House Bill 1489 says college sports teams at public universities in North Dakota may not be open for athletes who are born as men to compete and passed 40-7.

House Bill 1249 — which applies the same restrictions to high school teams in the state, passed 38-9.

The boogeyman will tell you that men will flock to women’s sports to be winners,” Sen. Ryan Braunberger said. “I think this won’t be the case because men do not want to face the possible humiliation of losing to a woman.” (dem)

“I’m going to vote for this bill because this shouldn’t happen in North Dakota — and if it ever comes up that, it may, then it should be illegal,” Sen. Dick Dever said.

Both bills also state that if an athlete is harmed by an incident in which there’s a violation of that policy, the injured person can then file a civil lawsuit against the transgender athlete.
Cleaned out a brooder outside and put a batch of chicks out there. Wanted to do more, but i got into another job. Helped hubby fell a tree, added more wood to a fire pit, dug out ash and soil for the garden. Unloaded some of it, but it was time to go in for dinner.
Going to ceramics tomorrow and Thursday, looking forward to that.
There are lots of different flavors, which one did you try? I like the red one pretty well. It all takes some getting used to because it has to replace your body's salts and minerals. Tastes kinda salty to me. I also like the lime-cucumber one although it's kinda weird.
srawberry/banana and orange/mango gross

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