Granny's gone and done it again

Yes. Thank you! Better than the last few days. Evening I get worse now, but at least some mornings are good. Got out to myView attachment 3530648 flower beds and little veggie area this morning and watered my planters. Here they are..I cheated and only planted one, the one with yellow. Snap Dragons in there. The purple Austin got me for Mother's day. The other two from Costco.
They're pretty, Cynthia!
I did this today:


Sourdough! It's in the fridge for the night and I'll bake it in the morning. I'm excited! I got the starter from my pastor's teenage daughter. She bakes and sells 8 loaves at the local sale barn every week.
Ive olny had it once but it was very strong to me.
You're supposed to boil it and pour the water off, boil it again and pour the water off, then fry it in butter or bacon grease with onions. Too much work! Granny just boiled it and ate it. I tried it and nearly died but whether it was the poke or me having a gall bladder attack, I don't know. I never ate it again though.

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