Granny's gone and done it again

I was busy today. Here's some of what I accomplished.


It's challah bread. Pronounced "hollah." As in, so good, it'll make you hollah! 😆
I was busy today. Here's some of what I accomplished.

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It's challah bread. Pronounced "hollah." As in, so good, it'll make you hollah! 😆
One loaf would last me a week. The boss is baking some bread for us using maple syrup in it. No maple taste but it is really good. Looks like just plain white bread that doesn't go stale fast like some breads do.
Looks really good! :drool
Thanks, it is! (Always surprises me, baking here is different from baking in New Mexico and can turn out good or dreadful depending on the humidity.)

One loaf would last me a week. The boss is baking some bread for us using maple syrup in it. No maple taste but it is really good. Looks like just plain white bread that doesn't go stale fast like some breads do.
We'll eat half of one and the rest will go in the freezer until my son gets here. This batch is about 1/3 whole wheat. :drool
Our storm is most likely going to arrive around 11pm. With some luck I'll sleep through it. Just before dark all the chickens got really nervous like they thought something was up. It did feel really weird out and we stopped working in the garden and got to the house. This is where we stopped. Wish we could have got the tomato plants in. The black film is organic based made with corn starch. It will biodegrade back to the soil. When my supply of this is gone I'm going to try the new paper mulch. It will work for me but the farms using tractors to lay it out have to be extra careful not to tear in during the install. I had to secure it temporarily with steel posts until the storm passes and I can heal it in with soil.

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