Granny's gone and done it again

And we got the tree cutting guys and they cut down about a dozen trees, mostly large ones. The ones that were all close to the house, and too big to mess with them ourselves. I was not enthusiastic about the idea myself, because I loved having the deck surrounded by the greenery. The shade was lovely. But hubby felt it was too dangerous to keep them. Some of them were rotten inside.
But they had to cut down my pretty dogwood tree that the birds liked to perch in. Near the bird feeder. :(
got me taxes back today NOT good. No income tax due state or federal BUT OMG the self-employment taxes are UGLY and checks MUST be mailed by April 15 for last year and also for the first quarter estimated tax due.
I am really glad hubby takes care of all that.
Hi Twist, how are you tonight?
good , sounds like you had another(like normal) productive day.

Also had to pull the guts out of a faucet and then off to get a new one. NEW words were invented and need to go to confession again. The old one was corroded in with scale from the city water. It ended up coming out in pieces.
I am really glad hubby takes care of all that.

I just wasn't expecting it to be so much. Thankfully I had a ton of loss to carry forward so there was no income tax and still about 10k of carry over loss left as a reserve.
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